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Bluefin Tuna

Bluefin Tuna - At this occasion, we will give you some information about sea fish which has a big size and become the favourite of the anglers to catch it. It is Bluefin tuna. Sea is the the habitats of this fish, and bluefish tuna only found in specific palces. To know how it live and its characteristics, what its main food, and where its population, read the information below carefully.

Bluefin Tuna
Bluefin tuna has a slender body designed for speed and endurance. They can even retract their dorsal fins and chest in the slot to reduce the load of the water trail. Atlantic bluefin tuna is one of the largest, fastest, and the most beautiful color of all fish species in the world. Torpedo-shaped, streamlined bodies owned functioning for speed and endurance. They metallic blue on top and shimmering silver-white on the bottom which helps camouflage them from above and below. And a voracious appetite with a variety of food makes them an average size of 6.5 feet (2 meters) and weighs 550 pounds (250 kilograms).

Bluefin tuna is a fish species of animals, carnivorous predator status, the average life span in the wild reaches 15 years. Body size of 6.5 ft (2 m) with a weight of 550 pounds (250 kg), live in groups and threatened with extinction. Did you? In January 2012, the first bluefin tuna weighing 593-lb (269 kg) sold in Japanese fish markets at a price of $ 736,000 (56.49 million yen). So, bluefin tuna is an expensive fish and many people want to hunt it, so that their population getting down from year to year.

Atlantic bluefin tuna are warm-blooded animals, a rare trait among fish species, and they are comfortable to live in the cold waters of Newfoundland and Iceland, as well as the tropical waters of the Gulf of Mexico and the Mediterranean Sea, where they go each year to lay their eggs . They are the most ambitious in the fish migrating, and some researchers say they swam from North American to European waters several times a year. 

They rewarded the swimming speed, break through into the water with a very strong because it has a crescent-shaped tail that is able to paddle at speeds up to 43 miles (70 kilometers) per hour. They can retract their dorsal fins and chest to reduce water pressure. Some scientists suspect chain "finlets" on their tails may serve to reduce water turbulence. Bluefin tuna can reach a large size and prey on small fish, crustaceans, squid, and eels, and they will also eat zooplankton and other small organisms. Tuna is the largest ever recorded Atlantic bluefin tuna caught in Nova Scotia that weighed 1496 pounds (679 kilograms).

Bluefin tuna have been eaten by humans for centuries. But in the 1970s the demand and price for large size bluefin tuna soared worldwide, particularly in Japan, and commercial fishing operations found new ways to find and catch these giant fish. As a result, the population of bluefin tuna particularly large fish has been much decreased, and international conservation efforts have led to restrictions for commercial needs. However, at least one group says illegal fishing in Europe has pushed the Atlantic bluefin tuna population heading to the brink of extinction.

Okey, may that's all about Bluefin Tuna from Ghazuth. We hope it can be useful for you all and give some additional knowledge.
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